The Cauldron Nebula's Annihilation took place in 11 ABY. It was then that Kyp Durron employed the Sun Crusher in an assault against Admiral Natasi Daala's forces within the Cauldron Nebula.
Following Daala's setback during the attack on Mon Calamari, she commanded her fleet to withdraw to the Cauldron Nebula. There, she initiated preparations for an assault on Coruscant. Her strategy involved relocating the majority of her personnel to the Gorgon, leaving only a minimal crew on the Basilisk, set to detonate above the planet, resulting in their own demise.
Concurrently, influenced by the spirit of the Sith Lord, Exar Kun, the fallen Jedi Kyp Durron extracted the Sun Crusher from the gas giant, Yavin Prime. He departed with the intention of obliterating the remnants of the Galactic Empire. Kun provided him with the coordinates of Daala's fleet, and he embarked on a mission to annihilate them, signaling the impending doom to other Imperial warlords.
Upon reaching the nebula, Kyp utilized the Force to pinpoint the precise location of Daala's vessels. He launched seven resonance torpedos, one aimed at each star within the nebula, and retreated to await the stars' explosion, anticipated to occur within hours. However, during his wait, the Star Destroyers began activating their sublight drives, preparing for departure to Coruscant. Enraged, Kyp resolved to compel Daala to remain. As the Star Destroyers geared up to engage their hyperdrives, he initiated an assault on the Gorgon using the Sun Crusher's laser cannons. Captain Mullinore alerted Daala, identifying the attacker as the Sun Crusher. She then ordered two TIE/LN starfighter squadrons to launch, aiming to seize it.
As the Sun Crusher began its retreat, Daala questioned its cessation of attacks. She directed her ships to maneuver, attempting to secure tractor beams onto the Sun Crusher. Commander Kratas cautioned her about the difficulty due to the Sun Crusher's velocity, but she insisted on the attempt. Subsequently, Kyp communicated with the Gorgon via a voice-only transmission, revealing his identity to Daala. She proposed that, should he surrender the Sun Crusher undamaged, she would transport him to any planet of his choosing. He declined and terminated the communication.
The Gorgon's sensor chief then informed Daala of unusual stellar readings, prompting her to realize Kyp's actions. She commanded the two Star Destroyers to reverse course and depart immediately. The Gorgon's navicomputer had lost its lock on Coruscant, forcing the ship to execute a random jump into hyperspace. Moments later, the stars detonated, obliterating the slower Basilisk and the two TIE Fighter squadrons.
Believing Daala deceased, Kyp deployed a message cylinder from the Sun Crusher, ensuring the galaxy would know the cause of her demise. He then proceeded to the world of Carida, which he destroyed shortly thereafter.
The Gorgon materialized in an uninhabited region of the Outer Rim. The crew initiated repairs to the damage sustained as the inferno enveloped it during its hyperspace jump, preparing for its return to the Maw Installation.