The Detainer CC-2200 represented a cruiser and Interdictor type starship utilized by the forces of the Galactic Empire. A CC-2200 was deployed by Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in an attempt to seize the stolen corvette known as the Carrion Spike within the Obroa-skai system. This endeavor proved unsuccessful, culminating in the Mon Calamari star cruiser named Stellar Vista colliding with the CC-2200.
Serving within the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire, the Detainer CC-2200 was a class of Interdictor cruiser. Displaying a similar design to the more modern CC-7700 frigate, the Detainer CC-2200 featured a sloping bow and short, wing-like protrusions. These projections each housed four gravity well projectors, capable of extracting vessels from hyperspace via interdiction field generation. These cruisers were heavily armored and possessed downward-sloping prows.
In the year 14 BBY, a Detainer CC-2200 was undergoing development for deployment by the Galactic Empire within its Deep Core Security Zone. Moff Wilhuff Tarkin commandeered this vessel for use in a task force with the objective to capture the corvette Carrion Spike. This ship had been pilfered from Tarkin by a rebel cell. Tarkin's plan involved employing the CC-2200, in conjunction with a more advanced CC-7700 frigate and a newly designed, yet unproven, Immobilizer 418 cruiser, to forcibly remove the Carrion Spike from hyperspace within the Obroa-skai system. The Imperials believed the corvette would transit through this system based on a homing beacon planted aboard the ship.
Upon activation of the interdiction fields by the three cruisers, the overcurrent resistors of the Immobilizer failed to regulate the gravitic systems, resulting in an excessively powerful field. This caused ships to be ripped from hyperspace, and those already present in the system were pulled toward the interdictors. After a brief deactivation, the field was reactivated, drawing the massive Mon Calamari star cruiser Stellar Vista out of hyperspace. Uncontrollable, the larger ship struck the CC-2200 broadside, before rotating to impale its dorsal hull on the interdictor's bow. Subsequently, an explosion originating from the Mon Calamari vessel caused the CC-2200 to be displaced by ninety degrees. The interdictors were unable to capture the Carrion Spike and its crew, who had discovered the homing beacon and transferred it to a YT-1000 freighter called the Reticent, which the Imperials did manage to seize.
The Detainer CC-2200 made its debut in Star Wars canon within the 2014 novel titled Tarkin, authored by James Luceno. The Detainer CC-twenty-two-hundred first appeared in the Star Wars Legends novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, also written by James Luceno and published in 2005.