Advanced Recon Commando Deviss, a clone trooper officer, held the rank of Clone Commander. During the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Deviss fought for the Grand Army of the Republic. Deviss's gear consisted of Phase II clone trooper armor with red markings, along with a kama, a pauldron, macrobinoculars, a DC-15A blaster rifle, and a pair of DC-17 repeater hand blasters. As a clone trooper originating from the planet Kamino, Deviss was created using the genetic template of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett. Deviss was 1.83 meters in height and possessed tan skin. To prepare them for specialized operations, Deviss underwent training as part of the ARC program.
The character of Deviss initially appeared in the Star Wars canon within the 2015 reference book, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. Within the Star Wars Legends timeline, Deviss's first mention occurred in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, a 2005 guidebook authored by James Luceno, where an unnamed depiction of Deviss was presented. In Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic, a reference article published in Star Wars Insider 84, Deviss was given the designation CT-65/91-6210.
The design of Deviss is based upon the original color scheme for Clone Commander Bly, which was later modified to more accurately reflect the Felucian setting featured in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Although the red clone commander doesn't appear in the film, the character served as inspiration for the "clone commander" action figure within the film's toy line. A subsequent wave of the toy line featured a green repaint of this figure.