
Deymasoll, a planet, existed within the Colonies and the Interior regions. Its position was identified as J-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid, and it was connected via the Giju Run hyperspace route to the planets Kitel Phard and Zardossa Stix. The Deymasollian species, a sentient race, originated on Deymasoll, which was their homeworld.

Origin Story

The name Deymasoll appeared on a map made for the reference guide Star Wars: Timelines. This map was distributed as a promotional poster at Celebration Anaheim on May 27, 2022. The book itself was released later, during Celebration Europe from April 7 to 10, 2023.


  • Star Wars Galaxy Map (Initial Mention)
  • SWCA 2022: 7 Things We Learned from the Lucasfilm Publishing Behind the Page Panel on (backup link)

Additional Information
