Kitel Phard, a celestial body, existed within the Core Worlds. The Atrisian Emperors at one point held dominion over it. This included the 14th Atrisian Emperor, during whose time the name of the future Praetorian Guard bodyguard unit originated. The Kitel Phard dynasty also shared its designation with Kitel Phard.
This astronomical object, Kitel Phard, was situated in both the Core Worlds and the Interior, specifically at grid square J-12 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Connecting it to Deymasoll was the hyperspace route called the Giju Run. The Kitel Phard dynasty, known for a particular style of expensive vases during the reign of the Galactic Empire, held the same name as Kitel Phard.
Well before the armed conflict between the First Order and the Resistance that commenced in 34 ABY, Kitel Phard was governed by Atrisian Emperors, rulers who shared a name with the celestial body of Atrisia. The Praetorian Guard, a personal bodyguard unit of mysterious origin, initially linked to the Imperial Remnants and active by 9 ABY, traced its name to the reign of Kitel Phard's 14th Atrisian Emperor. A partial map of the galaxy, displayed on several screens within the Star Cruiser Halcyon owned by Chandrila Star Line, indicated Kitel Phard's location in 34 ABY.

The initial mention of Kitel Phard in current Star Wars canon was on a galactic map appearing in the 2016 article titled "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?." Kitel Phard's in-universe debut occurred as a depiction on a map within Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, an immersive role-playing experience at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, which opened to the public on March 1, 2022.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, "Kitel Phard" was first noted in the Imperial Sourcebook, a 1989 supplement by Greg Gorden for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. However, the book didn't definitively establish "Kitel Phard" as a reference to an astronomical object, rather than just the Kitel Phard Dynasty. This was clarified by Timothy O'Brien in his August 1997 article, "From the Files of Corellia Antilles," within the fourteenth issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. Furthermore, the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry confirmed "Kitel Phard" as an alternative name for Atrisia, a planet also introduced in the Imperial Sourcebook. While Atrisia has been reintroduced into current canon, the connection between it and Kitel Phard remains unclear.