Di'reni's mother

A person of female sex was the parent who gave birth to the Twi'lek Di'reni. This woman, Di'reni, served as a bartender and was the proprietor of Club Lazuli situated in Canto Bight. Canto Bight is the [capital](/article/capital] city located on the planet of Cantonica found within the Outer Rim territories, all of which occurred during the Imperial Era. Di'reni stated that she was often questioned by her mother regarding Just Lucky, a childhood companion of the Twi'lek. In 3 ABY, as Lucky departed the club in pursuit of the criminal Koz, he requested that Di'reni convey his greetings to their mother. Di'reni then consented to do so and informed Lucky that their mother consistently inquired about him.

Behind the scenes

The ninth issue of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series from 2020 made mention of Di'reni's mother. Marvel Comics released this issue, penned by Alyssa Wong, on April 21, 2021.

