Di'reni was a female Twi'lek who worked as a bartender and owned Club Lazuli, which was located in Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica. Wen Delphis was the leader of the Sixth Kin, a criminal syndicate that provided protection to the Twi'lek's club. Di'Reni observed from her position behind the bar as Ariole Yu, a lieutenant from the Sixth Kin, and Just Lucky, a sniper, were dispatched by Delphis to collect a debt from Koz at Club Lazuli, and she even spoke with Lucky while Yu was engaged in a fight with several of Koz's associates. As the situation escalated into a gunfight, Di'Reni grabbed a blaster and began shooting at Koz's henchmen, while the Sixth Kin operatives chased their target as they exited the club.
Di'reni's initial appearance was in the ninth issue of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series from 2020. Marvel Comics published the issue on April 21, 2021, and it was written by Alyssa Wong and illustrated by Minkyu Jung. Wong later used Twitter to confirm the proper capitalization of the Twi'lek's name.