Dilpram was a female scientist of the Chiss species. She resided on Naporar, a planet within the dominion of the Chiss Ascendancy, alongside her husband, Lakbulbup. In the year 18 BBY, Xodlak'phr'ooa, whose core name was "Lakphro," a cousin of Lakbulbup, dispatched a nyix brooch to the pair for examination. Lakphro, who hailed from the world of Celwis, had received the item from Haplif of the Agbui. He deemed it too perilous to have the brooch analyzed on Celwis. Despite Dilpram's occupation in a biological laboratory, Lakphro's intention was for her to forward the brooch to a metallurgist. Ultimately, the brooch was delivered to Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as "Thrawn," a Senior Captain in the Chiss military, celebrated for his talent in interpreting extraterrestrial artistic creations.
Dilpram's name surfaced in Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good. This book represents the second part of the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy penned by Timothy Zahn.