The DT-12 heavy blaster pistol represented one specific design of heavy blaster pistol models.
Despite its diminutive appearance, the DT-12 blaster pistol was surprisingly heavy. It incorporated a substantial power cell, which allowed it to deliver significant firepower. The DT-12 could also be customized; Migs Mayfeld famously carried three DT-12 pistols, each fitted with a unique barrel. Similarly, Chussido, formerly associated with the Cloud-Rider syndicate and the Bounty Hunters' Guild, wielded a DT-12 that featured an extended barrel.
The Aldhani rebel infiltration team included members who were equipped with the DT-12. The bounty hunter Greedo employed a DT-12 during his ill-fated encounter with the smuggler Han Solo within Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. The human mercenary Migs Mayfeld also favored this weapon, carrying three of them: two were secured in chest holsters, while the third was mounted on an automated weapon mounting affixed to his backpack.