Eadun silver

Eadun silver, originating from the planet Eadu located in the Outer Rim territories, was a prized form of silver that could be fashioned into necklaces. Back in 49 BBY, a Jedi youngling named Gehren Rand bartered her family's Eadun silver necklace with Nodrus Cay, a lieutenant of the Black Sun criminal organization. This exchange was made so she could secure passage off-world with the goal of rescuing her father, whom she believed was in great danger. Cay acquired the necklace, and later she explained its significance to Rand's friend, who was also a youngling, Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Eadun silver was a precious and sought-after form of silver that possessed a silvery-blue hue, making it suitable for crafting necklaces. This material was sourced from the planet Eadu, situated in the Outer Rim region. Even a small, jewelry-sized portion of Eadun silver held a value surpassing a month's worth of spice smuggling activities around 49 BBY.


Obi-Wan Kenobi and Gehren Rand argue about the latter's Eadun silver necklace.

During the time of the Republic Era, [Gehren Rand](/article/gehren_rand], a Jedi youngling, received a necklace crafted from Eadun silver from one of her family members, whom she held in high regard. Despite being advised against keeping sentimental items, she treasured this possession and kept it hidden under her sleeping mat within the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds. In the year 49 BBY, Rand began experiencing dreams depicting her father in distress and pain, which fueled her determination to rescue him. Rand then enlisted the help of Nodrus Cay, a high-ranking lieutenant within the Black Sun criminal organization, to transport her off-world to save her parent. As compensation, she offered her family's Eadun silver necklace. Cay accepted the offer and took possession of the jewelry within an hour of their initial meeting.

As Rand left the Jedi Temple, her fellow youngling, Obi-Wan Kenobi, followed her into the depths of the Coruscant Underworld where they encountered the lieutenant. Cay then proceeded to explain the details of her agreement with Rand to Kenobi, displaying the Eadun silver necklace and elaborating on its considerable value. Kenobi then scolded his friend for possessing the item, stating that Jedi Master Yoda would consider it an attachment, which goes against the principles of the Jedi Code. Shortly after, upon discovering that both children were Force-sensitive, the lieutenant attempted to coerce them into serving her, remarking that she had only accepted the Eadun silver as transport payment because she initially believed Rand to be a mere "street rat." Kenobi and Rand then quickly managed to escape the situation, leaving the necklace behind in Cay's possession.

Behind the scenes

Ario Anindito's concept designs for Gehren Rand's Eadun silver necklace

Eadun silver made its debut appearance in a flashback featured in the first issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series. This series was penned by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics on May 4, 2022. In an article published on StarWars.com on the same day, Anindito showcased several of his conceptual designs for Rand's pendant, explaining that the script's open-ended nature granted him the freedom to personalize its design. He noted that each design incorporated Eadu rock reliefs, reminiscent of those seen in the 2016 Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Among the various models presented in the article, the artist highlighted that the third design—a teardrop-shaped model adorned with "tears shape w/ Eadu rocks relief"—was ultimately chosen to symbolize Rand's tears and feelings of longing, as the pendant was a gift from someone she deeply cherished. Anindito also expressed his belief that the necklace held significant sentimental value for the youngling due to the memories it evoked, considering it a piece of lore that effectively wove together her Star Wars backstory.

