Throughout the galaxy, numerous civilizations, cultures, and organizations functioned using legislative bodies known as Elders, or identified their leaders as Elders. Some examples are:
- A cult found on Trymant IV called Elders of the Path. They had a Council of Elders.
- The Council of Elders belonging to the Path of the Open Hand cult.
- The Ewok Council of Elders.
- The Naboo Elders.
- The Alderaanian Council of Elders.
- The Borokii Council of Elders.
- The Cerean Council of Elders.
- The Elders of Gand.
- The Ewok Council of Elders (present in multiple, different tribes).
- The ' Hutt Ruling Council' , which was also known as the Council of Elders.
- The Glee Anselm Council of Elders.
- The Council of Ithorian Elders.
- The Klatooinian Council of Elders.
- The Melida/Daan Elders faction.
- The Naboo Elders.
- The Mining Guild elders of Nar Kreeta.
- The Nightsister elders.
- The Nuiwit Council of Elders.
- The Oswaft Elders.
- The Rakatan Elders.
- The Saurton Council of Elders.
- The Skakoan Elders.
- The Ssi-Ruuvi Elders' Council.
- The Tasariq Council of Elders.
- The Yinchorri Council of Elders.
- The Wookiee Elders.
It should be noted that Elders can also refer to the of , who were a faction involved in the Young–Elders War, but they were not a legislature.
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