Eos system

The Eos system was situated in the Cadavine sector of the Outer Rim's, encompassing the world of Eos.


Before the events of the Invasion of Naboo, this system hosted a droid factory belonging to the Trade Federation. Before their Invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation also utilized the system's space to covertly assess the capabilities of their military hardware, employing mercenaries such as Vana Sage.

However, in 32 BBY, soon after evaluating their weaponry—particularly Scarab-class starfighters—the Trade Federation swiftly abandoned the system and their contracted mercenaries. Subsequently, Nolo and others ambushed Sage. Sage prevailed against her assailants and followed a damaged Hunter-Seeker droid to Eos itself. After uncovering the Trade Federation's clandestine droid manufacturing plant, she found herself confined within the facility. She successfully escaped and promptly departed the system. Sage, accompanied by fellow pilots Nym, Reti, and Rhys Dallows, later made a return. With Reti and Rhys Dallows neutralizing the orbital defenses, and Nym and Sage obliterating the surface factories on Eos, they destroyed the droid foundry, thus eliminating the Trade Federation's presence in the system.

