Erkens was a Human Mayor (a female) of the Tarlam city located on Makeb at the time of the Galactic War. In 3638 BBY, during the Conquest of Makeb, a Galactic Republic operative saved her from an Isotope-5 droid. Following this rescue, her councilor, Soler, requested that their savior protect the Tarlam shuttle pads with energy shields to stop the Hutts from deploying reinforcements. After being abandoned in the City Hall, Erkens was captured by Balog, an officer belonging to the reconstituted Sith Empire. To spare the Mayor's life, Balog insisted that the Republic agent permit him and his troops to depart with a sample of Isotope-5; ultimately, his requests were fulfilled. Erkens expressed her gratitude to her rescuer for the second time and then began the evacuation of the planet aboard the Ark.