Eta-class supply barge

title: Eta-class supply barge

The Eta-class supply barge served the Galactic Empire as a type of supply transport. This barge, which was larger than the Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle, could carry numerous cargo pods supported by a dorsal cargo platform.


As a complete system of logistics vessels, the Eta-class supply barge and the Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle were both products of the Telgorn Corporation. This resulted in the Galactic Empire awarding the corporation a significant Imperial Navy contract to modernize its logistics, with the barge being introduced near the end of the Death Star's construction. The Eta-class primarily facilitated strategic spacelift operations between logistics hubs, contrasting with the Zeta-class, which was deployed for tactical deliveries to frontline units. Moreover, during the Death Star's construction, it also served to move classified materials along the hidden supply routes of Project Stardust.

A crucial shared characteristic between the Eta-class and Zeta-class vessels was their use of standardized containers. This allowed for cargo to be sealed and certified at the origin point, remaining unopened until reaching its final destination, even if transferred across multiple vessels during transit. As a key component of the Imperial logistics network, the supply barge featured highly dependable systems, strong shields, and a substantial cargo capacity, achieved at the cost of speed and offensive power.

The Eta-class was equipped with racks on both its upper and lower surfaces, capable of accommodating a maximum of twenty and forty-five containers, respectively. Although Telgorn included provisions for mounting turrets on the front and rear of the container racks, the Imperial Navy opted not to equip the supply barge with weaponry, instead relying on dedicated escort ships for protection. This decision was largely influenced by research from the Prefsbelt Academy – though controversial among naval strategists – suggesting that armed transport crews, such as those on Gozanti-class cruisers, often jeopardized their cargo by prioritizing combat engagements.


During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire utilized Eta-class supply barges. During the Imperial occupation of Jedha, they were used to transport kyber crystals that provided the energy for the Death Star's Mk I Superlaser. In 5 BBY, at least one Eta supply barge was observed above Scarif while Imperial construction droids installed widgets, manufactured by prisoners from the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, into the superlaser. By 0 BBY, some were involved in the Battle of Scarif.

