Ferali was a Klatooinian who belonged to the Path of the Open Hand cult. Back in 382 BBY, Ferali was just a child living on the planet Dalna with the Path of the Open Hand. There, he and the other Path's Littles, including his younger sibling Eff, were cared for by Path member Marda Ro. During that year, a blue honey glider became attached to another Little named Simi, which led Ferali and another Little, Hallisara, to compete for its attention. Later, when Ro and the Littles went to a booth in the city of Ferdan's market on Dalna to distribute flowers, the glider perched itself on Little Jezra'lin's head. Consequently, Ferali told Simi that it was a freely given gift.
Jedi Padawan Kevmo Zink happened to visit the stand at the same time. After he used The Force to levitate a flower, Ro took him and the Littles to the construction site of the Path's flagship, the Gaze Electric. She used the ship as an illustration of clarity and freedom, warning Ferali and the others that the Jedi lacked these qualities and prevented the Force from possessing them because they considered themselves superior to it. This made Ferali understand why the Jedi should not have lifted the flower.
Ferali made his debut in the 2022 novel The High Republic: Path of Deceit, which was penned by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland.