
The yearly Festival, also called the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration, spanned four days and involved a celebration. It took place annually (every 1,424 standard days) on the planet Genarius along with several cities located on other planets within the Cularin system.


The impetus for the Festival came about when the SoroSuub Corporation, the most significant corporate presence in Edic Bar, started manufacturing the G-59 Cannibalizer, a snub fighter meant to rival Incom's Z-95 Headhunter. After experiencing a series of developmental hurdles (including unsuccessful attempts to copy the Z-95), the production line was finalized, and the initial completed unit was ready to be sold.

At that moment, Miim Te'Suub, SoroSuub's Director of Formal Activities, halted production. Acting on instructions from upper management, he delivered a brief address to the workers, informing them that they would have the remainder of the day off. The bewildered, industrious Sullustans responded by throwing a party in the neighboring city of Tolea Biqua. Their revelry escalated, spreading to the Toleans and even other cities, and the celebration continued for four days until they remembered their obligations at SoroSuub.

The workers enjoyed themselves so much that they resolved to recreate the event each year, dedicating four days to commemorating the first Cannibalizer produced. The Festival, as it eventually became known, was soon broadened to encompass all cities on Genarius, and even some cities on nearby planets.

Initially, Director Te'Suub was fearful, but his superiors were pleased because he had followed instructions. Furthermore, SoroSuub could leverage the Festival, and the possibility of its cancellation, to exert control over disgruntled employees.

Further parties

The Festival of 31 BBY was disrupted by multiple events. First, a prototype vessel was pilfered from SoroSuub's facilities by dark Jedi Karae Nalvas or one of his allies. The ship was stored within the hangars of the Conkesta, Nalvas's clandestine headquarters situated in a concealed location close to the planetary core. Nalvas's adversaries infiltrated the Conkesta and made their escape aboard the prototype ship, ultimately crash-landing in Tolea Biqua, coincidentally in proximity to SoroSuub executives who recognized the ship and offered a reward for its retrieval.

Subsequently, a radiation storm engulfed Tolea Biqua, disabling the city's shields. Former Jedi and scholar Dazen Mok, who observed the occurrence, later proposed that the storm might have been triggered by the destruction of the Conkesta, which had been constructed using the dark side of the Force. Other damage posed a threat of the city plummeting into the core far below. Several heroes succeeded in preventing this catastrophe.

Finally, Miim Te'Suub of SoroSuub delivered his customary annual address, but he became enraged by the sudden appearance of a logo belonging to the Metatheran Cartel superimposed over the presentation. Te'Suub held Thurm Loogg of the Cartel responsible, and the Jedi present had to mediate the disagreement.

