G-59 Cannibalizer

The G-59 Cannibalizer, a starfighter, was conceptualized by Syub Kyak and brought to life by the SoroSuub Corporation on Edic Bar in the waning years of the Old Republic. It bore a resemblance to the Z-95 Headhunter from Incom Corporation. Driven by the ambition to broaden their manufacturing capabilities into the starship domain, SoroSuub took notice of the Z-95 Headhunter's widespread appeal. They acquired several Headhunters to dissect and replicate their designs. Despite the perceived simplicity of the ship, this endeavor proved more challenging than anticipated, as the Headhunter's software was designed to automatically erase substantial portions of the ship's memory upon intrusion. SoroSuub exhausted eight Headhunters before achieving satisfaction, and even then, the production of the Cannibalizer presented numerous engineering obstacles that needed resolution.

Upon the completion of the inaugural unit, Miim Te'Suub, the Director of Formal Activities, granted the workforce the remainder of the day off. The workers indulged in an extended celebration lasting four days in Tolea Biqua. In addition, they made the decision to commemorate the anniversary of the first Cannibalizer's production annually with a similar festivity, which became known as the Festival.

SoroSuub promoted the G-59 as a "cost-effective snub fighter comparable to Incom's Headhunter," which resulted in robust sales figures. They further asserted that their fighter surpassed Incom's "inferior product." Incom chose not to address the statement or the potential infringement on their intellectual property, but instead ramped up production of the Z-95.

Due to its local manufacturing, the G-59 became a common choice among pirate factions operating within the Cularin system.

Gael Kinner, a Blood Raptors pilot, also favored a Cannibalizer as his vessel, utilizing it in races across the moon of Eskaron around 31 BBY. It was at this time that Kinner employed his Cannibalizer to destroy Arraxx's ship.

Later that same year, three Cannibalizers belonging to the criminal syndicate The Cell launched a futile attack on one of Nirama's recruitment transports as it approached Nirama's public asteroid. Although the assault failed, Nirama interpreted it as a personal threat.

