Field projector

A field projector functioned as a technological component within the shield generators found on starships. During repairs conducted on the shield generators of the Fallon, a Trade Federation WD-2550 Whydah-class yield conveyer, the meknek Fillik observed in 132 BBY that the emitter duct lacked connection to the field projector. Subsequently, the meknek Verosha Aniseya utilized the PIP droid Pip to commence welding operations on the ship's outer hull, an action that triggered a pressure gauge surge and a minor explosion in the adjacent area of the ship's exterior. Furthermore, Sheathipede-class transport shuttles, which are personal transport shuttles also utilized by the Trade Federation, were equipped with a stabilizing field projector.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of the field projector occurred within "Miscellaneous Ships and Vehicles (2)," a publication included in the Star Wars Encyclopedia series of reference booklets, released by De Agostini on July 29, 2022. The field projector's subsequent appearance was in "Lost / Found," the inaugural episode of the television program The Acolyte, broadcast on June 4, 2024 via Disney+.

