
Iego, also known as the Planet of a Thousand Moons, existed as a planet within the Extrictarium Nebula, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. The Nebula's obscure location meant Iego was absent from all star-charts. Rather than orbiting a sun, Iego was heated by nearby stellar gases. It served as the home of the subterranean Maelibi species, in addition to thousands of stranded space travelers, all drawn to the planet by the Diathim—a spacefaring species inhabiting Iego's forty-two moons. Despite Iego's apparent lack of significant natural resources, its residents seemed immune to the effects of aging and hunger.

Within spacer legends, Iego was regarded as a legendary place, inspiring countless tales and speculations. Although many expeditions were launched to locate the planet, few were successful, and those who did reach Iego were generally unable to depart. The abundance of unsubstantiated stories surrounding the planet, combined with its persistently unconfirmed location, led most members of the galaxy's scientific community to dismiss Iego as merely a spacefarer's myth.


Immigrated inhabitants of Iego

The original inhabitants of Iego, the Maelibi (also referred to as Demons), were immense, subterranean beings whose songs were considered the epitome of musical purity. They dwelled in vast, underground caverns, occasionally preying on the stranded population, dragging their screaming victims into the depths.

The inhabitants of Iego's moon Millius Prime, the Diathim (also known as Angels), were radiant, winged creatures renowned for their legendary beauty. When a new starship entered orbit, a swarm of angels would converge around it, mesmerizing the pilot and causing the ship to crash onto Iego's rugged surface.

Over numerous years, spacers inexplicably found themselves stranded on Iego, with very few ever escaping. A collection of starships known as The Scatter rested on Iego's surface, around which the castaway tribes lived. Each newcomer to the planet would pledge allegiance to one of these tribes. However, some chose to remain independent, living within the Scatter; isolated, resentful, and frequently mentally unstable.

Strangely, time appeared to have little effect on Iego, as castaways supposedly no longer experienced aging or hunger. It was rumored that Humans who fought in the Great Sith War might still be alive on Iego millennia later.


Originally a legendary planet called Maelibo, smugglers eventually discovered dependable routes through the Extrictarium Nebula. Formerly part of Xim's Empire, spice convoys visited the planet near the end of the Old Republic, bringing a more civilized lifestyle to the inhabitants. These visits eventually ceased, and Iego became increasingly isolated.

Drol, the "god" of Iego

During the Clone Wars, the Separatists invaded the planet and set up battle droid garrisons, planning to use Iego as a stronghold if they lost the war. Eventually, they abandoned the planet, but before leaving, they installed an orbital security system that destroyed any ship attempting to leave the system. The planet's inhabitants believed the numerous deaths in orbit were caused by the wrath of "Drol," a destructive spirit who prevented anyone from leaving the planet. Jaybo Hood, a ten-year-old prodigy, took control of the battle droids left on the planet and reassigned them to his personal command.

When Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet to obtain a reeksa root needed to create an antidote for the Blue Shadow Virus, the locals told them about the legend of Drol. The Jedi quickly realized it was actually a laser security system that activated whenever a ship entered the area. They destroyed it using Jaybo's Vulture droids, thus liberating Iego.

During the Second Imperial Civil War, Iego was among the worlds that supported the Galactic Alliance Remnant.


The city of Cliffhold.

The Scatter was situated in the far southern region of the planet, and nearly every unfortunate castaway remained there for the rest of their lives.

The Choir Alignment was located near the planet's equator and was one of the rare locations where the Diathim would land on the planet's surface. The reason for their landings was unknown, but it produced a radiant light visible for miles.

The Boneyard was in the northern part of Iego, bordering its mountains. It consisted of massive bones, too large to belong to any known creature. Beneath it were caverns inhabited by the demon-like Maelibi.

Rawk's Nest, the residence of "Bantha" Rawk, was also situated on Iego.

Behind the scenes

Iego surrounded by a debris field

Iego was initially mentioned in The Phantom Menace by the character Anakin Skywalker. In the novel Labyrinth of Evil, Iego is incorrectly spelled as "Viago." Leland Chee confirmed the correct spelling of "Iego" in a thread on the message boards. According to Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, Iego was said to possess 42 moons. This creates a continuity error, as later sources claim Iego has 1,000 moons.

In Star Wars: Starfighter, Iego is pronounced incorrectly as "Lee-go".

