Officers of the Empire serving as Imperial Liaisons were Imperial officers selected by the Galactic Empire to collaborate with local planetary governing bodies. Though their designated role was to provide guidance to their local counterparts rather than issue direct commands, not every envoy adhered to this principle.
During the Imperial Era, the Corellian Security Force operating within the Corellian system found their activities under close observation by the Empire. To oversee and synchronize operations with nearby Imperial forces, Imperial Intelligence officers were placed within all divisions of CorSec. Kirtan Loor held such a position within Corran Horn's division. Furthermore, Imperial Intelligence also stationed liaisons with CorSec's Fourth Batallion as well as the 224th Recon Patrol Squad.
During the Galactic Civil War, Moff Giiedt and Commander [Demmings] (/article/demmings) functioned as liaison officers to the Tiss'sharl League stationed on Tiss'sharl, while Lieutenant Pandur acted as a liaison officer attached to Korfo II.