Fool's Priorite

Fool's Priorite was a material that could be deceptively presented as priorite, a precious mineral located on the planet Koboh. An unscrupulous individual once attempted to deceive merchant Doma Dendra of Dendra's Antiquities on Koboh by offering Fool's Priorite as genuine priorite. Tulakt, a fortune teller, intervened and prevented the transaction upon recognizing the deception, having observed the seller wearing long sleeves in spite of the warm weather to conceal their trickery. Dendra expressed her gratitude to Tulakt for preventing her from acquiring the fraudulent Fool's Priorite.

In 9 BBY, while at Pyloon's Saloon, a cantina situated on Koboh, Tulakt recounted the attempted sale of Fool's Priorite to Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight.

Behind the scenes

The existence of Fool's Priorite was referenced within an elective dialogue sequence found in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a video game created by Respawn Entertainment in 2023.

