The Four Sages of Dwartii—namely Sistros Nevet, Braata Danlos, Faya Rodemos, and Yanjon Zelmar—were a group of philosophers and lawmakers, often in disagreement, from the early years of the modern Galactic Republic. Their influence on the initial constitution was considerable. At some point during the Sith's reign over the galaxy, statues were created to honor these Four Sages. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine possessed bronzium-coated statues of the Four Sages within his office and chambers located on the planet Coruscant. The Sistros Nevet statue, constructed from neuranium, featured a concealed compartment where Palpatine stored his lightsabers. Vice Chair Mas Amedda also possessed a statue of Sistros, which he placed atop his Speaker's staff. After Palpatine's transformation into the Galactic Emperor following the Clone Wars, he relocated his headquarters to the former Jedi Temple, transforming it into the Imperial Palace, and brought his Sistros statue with him. By 34 ABY, small statues of the Four Sages of Dwartii were available for purchase in Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, a shop situated within Black Spire Outpost on the world of Batuu.