G1-MD, more commonly referred to as Gee-One, functioned as a protocol droid and held the position of supervisor within the Ohnaka Transport Solutions transport enterprise, which was based on the Outer Rim planet of Batuu. In the era of approximately 34 ABY, the farmer named Julen Rakab was abducted by smugglers belonging to Ana Tolla's crew. This kidnapping was part of their operation aimed at the destruction of Kat Saka's home. During this event, G1-MD accompanied Rakab's acquaintance, Izal Garsea, along with several companions, aboard a freighter that had been commandeered from the spaceport of Black Spire Outpost.


Ohnaka Transport Solutions

Around the time of 34 ABY, G1-MD was employed by the transport organization known as Ohnaka Transport Solutions. This company operated from the spaceport located in Black Spire Outpost on the Outer Rim planet of Batuu. Functioning as a supervisor, G1-MD oversaw the company's activities alongside Lee Skillen, who took charge of Ohnaka Transport Solutions whenever its owner, the former pirate Hondo Ohnaka, was absent from the planet. During a particularly hectic day at Ohnaka Transport Solutions, G1-MD made an attempt to gain Skillen's attention. However, Skillen was preoccupied with addressing the grievances of an agitated pilot, who had voiced concerns regarding the condition of his ship and the assigned co-pilots. Skillen then instructed G1-MD to locate an astromech droid for the pilot. The protocol droid tried to object, but Skillen dismissed her. Shortly thereafter, the disgruntled pilot resigned from his position at the company, and G1-MD made an attempt to follow him as he departed.

Sometime later, Julen Rakab, a Batuuan farmer, tried to divert G1-MD's attention, preventing her from entering the company's office. Inside, his friend Izal Garsea was in the process of retrieving a package that had been erroneously delivered to the company. G1-MD insisted on finding Skillen, and Rakab directed her to another location where Skillen was surrounded by a group of pilots.

Skirmish at Kat Saka's

Later that evening, G1-MD was entrusted with the responsibility of independently overseeing the company. Garsea, accompanied by Delta Jeet, a pilot from Ohnaka Transport Solutions, made their way back to the spaceport with the hope of finding Volt Vescuso, a friend of Rakab's. Rakab had been taken captive by the crew of the smuggler Ana Tolla, who had plans to destroy the farm belonging to the farmer Kat Saka. G1-MD challenged the visitors, demanding an explanation for their presence at the spaceport. Garsea's plan involved commandeering an Avent100-series light freighter that was stationed at the spaceport with the intention of rescuing Rakab. G1-MD initially refused to permit the removal of the freighter, but Garsea managed to persuade the protocol droid to join them, ensuring the success of their mission.

Once aboard the freighter, G1-MD provided assistance to Garsea by translating the Teklada language that appeared on the ship's controls. Upon the freighter's arrival at the farm, Garsea instructed G1-MD to prepare the ship for its return to the spaceport once Belen Rakab, Rakab's sister who had been taken hostage by Tolla's crew, was safely rescued. G1-MD reluctantly complied with Garsea's instructions, while harboring the intention of lodging a complaint with Ohnaka upon his return.

Jeet and Tap, another of Rakab's associates, successfully rescued Belen Rakab and brought her to the freighter. G1-MD intended to adhere to her orders and return to the spaceport, but Belen refused to abandon her brother and deactivated the protocol droid to prevent her from doing so. After Tolla's crew was prevented from destroying the farm, G1-MD was reactivated.


G1-MD, functioning as both a protocol droid and an interpreter droid, was also known as Gee-One-Emdee or simply Gee-One. She possessed feminine programming and featured plating colorred in shades of green and white. G1-MD had the ability to communicate in the Galactic Basic Standard language, as well as translate the mathematical language of Teklada.

G1-MD was programmed to strictly adhere to directives and displayed reluctance to assist Izal Garsea in her endeavor to rescue Julen Rakab. When she was eventually convinced to permit the rescue operation, she informed Garsea and her companions of the rules and regulations of Ohnaka Transport Solutions. G1-MD was hesitant to take orders from Garsea, but Volt Vescuso used the threat of her destruction to persuade her. Once she agreed to follow Garsea's orders, G1-MD insisted on removing Belen Rakab from harm's way, even when Rakab expressed a desire to stay and protect her brother.

Behind the scenes

G1-MD made an appearance in the 2019 novel titled A Crash of Fate, which was authored by Zoraida Córdova.

