Kat Saka was a human from Batuu, specifically a fourth-generation resident, who ran Kat Saka's Kettle within Black Spire Outpost. This outpost was situated on the planet Batuu, located in the Outer Rim. As a Saka family member, her ancestors, as colonists, arrived on the planet four generations prior and founded Saka Farms. The family maintained their agricultural traditions, refining their techniques for cultivating their unique grain varieties. Kat, like her relatives, was a farmer and cultivated Surabat grain on her own farm.
In 34 ABY, Saka, a woman in her thirties, created a special mixture of spices to flavor her famous Outpost Mix, which consisted of various popped grains. Despite requests from Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs, she kept the recipe secret. However, she did give him Saka Salt, one of her other spice blends. She was in charge of the Saka Homestead, where they raised banthas and cultivated Surabat grain.