
Gahee'abee functioned as a corporal in the New Republic's Special Forces, and was a Kupohan. He was one of the six individuals chosen for a mission to the planet Akiva in 4 ABY, where they were tasked with investigating the Galactic Empire's presence and locating the missing pilot Wedge Antilles. The squad, commanded by Sergeant major Jom Barell, initiated a suborbital descent from a transport within Akiva's atmosphere; however, before they could reach the ground, Imperial turbolaser fire originating from the planet obliterated the transport, resulting in the death of two of Gahee'abee's squadmates. Barell then instructed the remaining members to deploy their parawings, but the Kupohan was instantly vaporized upon activating his own parawings. While on the Akiva mission, Gahee'abee was equipped with carbon-lace armor, an orbital drop mask, and his parawings.

Behind the scenes

Chuck Wendig's novel Aftermath, published in 2015, marked the initial appearance of Gahee'abee.

