Garnac's hunting guild

During the year of 20 BBY, a hunting guild was under the leadership of the Trandoshan named Garnac. This guild operated from the Trandoshan moon of Wasskah, which is part of Trandosha. A Ubrikkian Floating Fortress served as their main base of operations, and they utilized a Trandoshan prisoner ship to move their captives. While the guild engaged in the pursuit of diverse big-game creatures, including wampas, narglatches, and gundarks, they also gained notoriety for abducting sentient individuals from different parts of the galaxy. These individuals were then hunted for entertainment using their MSP80 Pteropter hover pods. Soon after the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and the Wookiee Chewbacca were taken captive, nearly all of the guild's members met their death in a rescue mission spearheaded by Wookiees, which resulted in the guild's disbandment.

