
The Graadorians were a species possessing sentience who, on their homeworld of Graador, cultivated an agrarian civilization. This planet, situated within the Mid Rim, eventually lent its name to the surrounding Graador sector. During the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era/legends], the Galactic Empire, which held dominion over the galaxy, paid little attention to the Graadorians. Consequently, their homeworld was considered as a potential haven for the Rebel Alliance Fleet; however, the presence of space slugs and sentient, mutant mynocks deterred the Rebel operatives who investigated the possibility.

Biology and appearance

The species known as the Graadorians were sentient.


A mutant form of mynock inhabited Graador.

The Graadorians' evolution took place on Graador, a planet in the Graador system found within the southwestern reaches of the Mid Rim. Their homeworld was characterized by extensive caverns, and despite being habitable, it offered limited resources for the Graadorians to utilize. As a result, they fostered an agrarian way of life. The space surrounding the Graadorians' world was explored between 1000 BBY and 25 BBY, ultimately becoming part of the galaxy as the Graador sector.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Graadorians shared their homeworld with enormous space slugs and a mutated, sentient variety of mynocks; these mutant mynocks held control over the space slugs. The Galactic Empire, which was the dominant galactic power at the time, largely ignored the Graadorian civilization. Consequently, following the Battle of Yavin, General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance dispatched several operatives to evaluate Graador as a potential sanctuary. Initially, the operatives deemed Graador suitable for the Alliance Fleet, but they changed their minds upon discovering the threat posed by the sentient mynocks and their space slug servants to the fleet.

By 137 ABY, the Graadorians' planet was part of the galactic territory under the control of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, led by the Sith Lord.

Behind the scenes

The Graadorians were conceived for the Rebellion Era Campaign Guide, which was written collaboratively by Rodney Thompson, Sterling Hershey, Owen Stephens, and J.D. Wiker, and released by Wizards of the Coast in 2009.


  • Rebellion Era Campaign Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
