A small-statured race, characterized by brown complexions and dark eyes, inhabited the galactic landscape.
One individual of this race, known as Granik, served as a dispatcher located at Xanwan's freight kiosk on the world of Ferrix in the year 5 BBY. Granik communicated using a non-human alien tongue.
Another member of this species could be found on Pasaana, engaged in the sale of foodstuff and utilizing a customized power droid during the Festival of the Ancestors event in the year 35 ABY.

The initial appearance of this race was within the 2019 sequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. The original design came from concept artist Jake Lunt Davies; however, Davies indicated that Neal Scanlan modified the design somewhat during its transition to live-action, possibly because of time limits or concerns about what could be done in practice. Kiran Shah played members of this species in both Episode IX and the Andor television show.