
Granik, a grumpy alien, functioned as a dispatcher at Xanwan's freight kiosk situated on the planet Ferrix. In the year 5 BBY, he engaged in a discussion with Xanwan, the proprietor of the kiosk, regarding a notice issued by the Preox-Morlana corporation. This notice referenced the world Kenari, a place unfamiliar to Garnik. Xanwan then researched the planet and recited its details to Granik, subsequent to which he interacted with the customer Cassian Andor.


Granik worked at Xanwan's freight kiosk on Ferrix.

Working as a dispatcher for the human owner Xanwan, Granik resided on the planet Ferrix and was employed at Xanwan's freight kiosk. In 5 BBY, while working at the kiosk, he and Xanwan talked about a notice from the Preox-Morlana corporation, which was looking for a Kenari male for questioning in a murder investigation. Because Granik had never heard of Kenari, Xanwan started researching it as the two argued.

As Xanwan accessed information about Kenari, Cassian Andor, the man the corporation was looking for, came to the kiosk. The owner then explained that Kenari was a Mid Rim world that records indicated had been abandoned after a mining disaster. After Xanwan told Granik that the corporation was not offering a reward, the alien retreated further into the building as Andor arranged with Xanwan to secretly leave Ferrix for Tassar in an hour. Once Andor departed the kiosk, Granik approached Xanwan again and irritated him by bringing up a topic that the human told him to drop before Granik left him alone to grumble.

Granik worked with Xanwan.

Before Andor came back for his trip, the Corporate Tactical Forces showed up on Ferrix to find him, causing the locals to start sounding an alarm and clearing the streets. Xanwan shut down the kiosk and lowered the shutters as Granik yelled. Andor soon engaged in conflict with the corporate forces but ultimately found another way to leave the planet.

Personality and traits

Granik was a short, irritable alien with brown skin and black eyes. When talking to Xanwan, he spoke in an alien language, even though the human replied in basic.


Granik was dressed in a hooded brown outfit with black sleeves and a red jacket on top.

Behind the scenes

Granik was made for the Disney+ television show Andor, and he made his debut in the first season episode "That Would Be Me," which was broadcast on September 21, 2022. The character's name was not spoken in the episode, but it was provided in the subtitles and listed in the credits. Kiran Shah, who had previously worked on numerous Star Wars movies, played him.

