
Xanwan, also referred to as Xan, was a human male who operated a transport business situated on the planet Ferrix. He managed this business in partnership with an alien known as a Granik.

Xanwan had a connection to Cassian Andor. After escaping from imprisonment, Andor contacted the freight kiosk, intending to send a message to his mother. Xanwan was taken aback by Andor's unexpected communication, as he hadn't heard from him in over a month. With hesitation, he informed Andor of his mother's death during his absence.

Later on, while conversing with Nurchi in a bar, Xanwan, under the influence of alcohol, inadvertently revealed that Andor was aware of his mother's passing and might be returning for her funeral. Nurchi promptly communicated this information to his superiors within the Imperial Security Bureau.

During the events of the Rix Road riot, Xanwan launched an assault on a Stormtrooper from behind, engaging in a grapple and attempting to force them to the ground. As a reaction, a different trooper, positioned on a rooftop across the street, discharged a weapon at him, hitting him between the ribs on his right side, resulting in his immediate death.

Personality and traits

Xanwan was known to be a canny and astute businessman.

Xanwan was seen wearing a brown jacket, complemented by an orange vest and a hat. His hair was dark, but showing signs of graying, including his beard. While he possessed a gentle tone, he was not easily manipulated and stood firm against customers' attempts to bargain at his freight kiosk.

