Gryzards were carnivorous creatures resembling alligators, inhabiting the dark waters surrounding the planet Veelo. In approximately 18 BBY, a band of gryzards launched an assault on the bounty hunter Fennec Shand alongside the clones Hunter and Wrecker as they traversed a Veelo river within a hydroskiff. After one of the creatures submerged Hunter, the group successfully defended themselves and fled using their watercraft.
Gryzards were reptilian carnivores, similar to alligators, that made their home in the dim waters of the planet Veelo. These gray scaled quadrapeds, possessing two blue eyes, would conceal themselves beneath the water's surface before ambushing their prey on land. The gryzards' speed and power often overwhelmed their victims, utilizing elongated, powerful jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth.
Around 18 BBY, the bounty hunter known as [Fennec Shand](/article/fennec_shand] journeyed to Veelo alongside the clones Hunter and Wrecker, in their search for the bounty named Sylar Saris. Navigating the planet's waterways using a hydroskiff, the trio encountered a series of submerged mines obstructing their path. Shand instructed the clones to enter the water and disarm the mines, while she maintained watch from the boat. However, as they did so, gryzards began to converge from both upstream and downstream. Wrecker was the first to notice the creatures, followed by Hunter pointing out a group of four of the beasts swimming below the surface ahead of them to Shand.
As Shand used her rifle scope to observe the creatures, Hunter and Wrecker swiftly disarmed the remaining mines. The bounty hunter then commenced firing, striking the water near the group of creatures ahead and then pivoting to shoot another approaching from behind the skiff. With the last mines deactivated, the clones also began firing before reboarding the skiff. Before Hunter could fully climb aboard, a gryzard erupted from the water, seizing the clone's backpack in its jaws and dragging him back beneath the surface. Wrecker then jumped from the vessel, landing on the back of the submerged gryzard, which began violently thrashing with Hunter still trapped in its jaws.
As Shand attempted to assist, another gryzard leaped onto the hydroskiff, knocking her to the ground. Quickly regaining her footing, the hunter struck the creature with the butt of her rifle, forcing it back into the water as the gryzard attacking the clones surfaced with Wrecker still clinging to its back. The creature then released Hunter after Wrecker repeatedly punched it in the head, preventing it from attacking as Hunter escaped, before lifting it and slamming it onto another gryzard behind him.
As more gryzards rapidly approached, the clones climbed back onto the hydroskiff, and Shand ignited the engine, which pushed back the gryzard behind the vessel as the skiff accelerated. As the boat moved forward, a gryzard climbed over the bow and began snapping at Wrecker, who seized its jaws and drew a vibroknife, only for the creature to knock it from his grasp. The creature then knocked down Hunter as Wrecker stood and grabbed it. A second gryzard began scaling the side of the hydroskiff before being blasted by Hunter as Wrecker lifted the screeching gryzard from the bow and tossed it back into the river. The trio then proceeded up the river, successfully escaping the creatures.
Gryzards made their debut in "Bad Territory," the eighth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season, which premiered on March 20, 2024. However, a clip featuring them was initially revealed by on March 18, and their presence was hinted at in a post by Kiner Music the following day, part of a series of cryptic tweets alluding to upcoming Bad Batch episodes. The creatures' name was subsequently revealed the day after the episode's airing on through both a databank entry and a piece of concept art by Ben Meng featured in the accompanying episode guide.