Han Solo's Revenge

title: Han Solo's Revenge

The novel entitled Han Solo's Revenge is a work of fiction within the expansive Star Wars Legends universe, penned by the author Brian Daley. This book is the second installment in Star Wars: The Han Solo Adventures trilogy. Del Rey initially released it to the public on October 12, 1979. Subsequently, Han Solo and the Lost Legacy was published in 1980, and the entire trilogy was reprinted as a single volume in The Han Solo Adventures during 1992.

Publisher's summary

For possibly the first time, Han Solo was attempting to live an honest life. He and his Wookiee companion, Chewbacca, had given up their interstellar smuggling activities to pursue the safer, more legitimate business of managing a holotheater for the insect-like inhabitants of Kamar.

Perhaps they should have remained criminals. After they screened the wrong show, the Kamarites annihilated the holoprojector, and nearly did the same to Chewie and Han, who had to escape in their starship Millennium Falcon just moments before being overwhelmed by an angry crowd. They were completely without funds.

However, there's always some kind of employment available for a freighter captain who avoids asking difficult questions, and Han soon accepted a job that promised him a substantial 10,000 credits. Upon arriving at the designated planet to collect his cargo, he discovered that this job would also result in the summary execution of both him and Chewbacca. The Corporate Sector Authority might turn a blind eye to many offenses, but the slave trade was an offense punishable by death.

Thanks to the quick thinking of Blue Max, the computer partner of Han's work 'droid Bollux, Han managed to outwit the slavers and liberate their captives. Regardless, he and Chewie were still broke.

Reasoning that someone still owed him 10,000 credits, Han attended a meeting the slavers had arranged with their mysterious boss. The attractive woman who arrived for the meeting didn't seem like a slave trader, and she wasn't. From Han's perspective, she was almost worse—Fiolla was a fully commissioned officer of the Sector Authority…most of whose laws he had violated or intended to violate at some point. However, Fiolla needed Han and the Falcon for her secret mission to the distant planet of Ammuud, and she was willing to overlook his past and future transgressions if he agreed to cooperate with her.

Still determined to obtain the promised 10,000 credits, Han accompanied Fiolla to Ammuud, surviving a kidnapping attempt along the way—only to find himself facing a hired gunman in a deadly duel!

It appeared that acquiring those 10,000 credits was going to be quite challenging…

Plot summary

Following a series of unsuccessful smuggling operations in the Corporate Sector, Han Solo and his Wookiee first mate, Chewbacca, decided to leave that area of space. Experiencing a run of bad luck after a failed smuggling attempt on the Rampa Rapids, Han Solo and Chewbacca ended up on the planet Kamar, where they presented holodocumentaries to the local population. They quickly realized that legitimate work was not for them, and they soon found themselves nearly penniless, with no promising opportunities on the horizon. In this desperate situation, Han and Chewie accepted a job from an unknown client, promising a generous ten thousand credits for a blind flight. However, after piloting the Millennium Falcon to the planet Lur for the pickup, they discovered that the cargo consisted of slaves—a practice that both Han and Chewbacca vehemently opposed. Thanks to the quick thinking of their two droids, Bollux and Blue Max, the duo managed to turn the tables on the slavers' attempt to seize the Falcon, escaping with their lives and their ship intact. As far as Han Solo was concerned, someone still owed them compensation for their troubles. Therefore, they resolved to track down the recipients of their intended cargo to collect their due, one way or another.

Han Solo and Chewbacca set a course for the planet Bonadan, where the slavers' leader, Zlarb, was scheduled to meet his contact for payment. However, instead of the contact, they encountered Fiolla, an assistant auditor-general working for the Corporate Sector Authority. She was also investigating a group of slavers operating within the Corporate Sector and convinced Han that his only chance of getting paid was to assist her in tracking down the slavery ring. During their investigations on Bonadan, Han and Fiolla uncovered evidence suggesting that Authority executives might be involved in the slavery ring. Meanwhile, Chewbacca thwarted an attempt to repossess the Millennium Falcon by a Tynnan skip tracer named Spray. After examining Zlarb's data plaque, the group decided to travel to the planet Ammuud to investigate the slavers' connection to the shipping firm of one of the governing clans there. Unfortunately for them, the slavers had been observing Fiolla and were now keeping a close watch on Han and Chewbacca as well. Due to some unfortunate circumstances involving the slavers' surveillance of the Falcon, Han and Fiolla were unable to board the ship, and the two smugglers were forced to separate. Chewbacca, Spray, and the droids took off in the Falcon, while Han and Fiolla sought passage on a passenger liner.

While en route to Ammuud, the hull of the Millennium Falcon was damaged by a sleeper bomb planted by the slavers on Bonadan. The crew was forced to make an emergency landing in the mountains of Ammuud. Before landing, however, Spray sent the two droids to the spaceport in a lifeboat, to locate Captain Solo. Meanwhile, the liner carrying Han Solo and Fiolla was hijacked by the slavers in an attempt to capture the pair. The couple managed to evade detection in a lifeboat of their own and arrived on Ammuud with the hope of uncovering the evidence Fiolla needed to implicate the high-ranking Authority officials in the slavery ring. After Han befriended the Mor Glayyd by thwarting Gallandro's plot to harm the clan leader, he was granted permission and the necessary repair parts to search for his missing copilot and starship. After locating Chewie and the Falcon, making repairs, and preparing for takeoff, the crew was once again ambushed by the slavers. However, it was the Corporate Sector Authority and Gallandro who came to their rescue.

The gunman was, in fact, assisting his superior, Spray, who was actually the Corporate Sector Authority's Territorial Administrator Odumin, working undercover to expose the slaver ring and the corruption within the Authority. Despite these circumstances, Han Solo and Chewbacca were to be arrested for previous crimes against the Corporate Sector Authority. In a daring attempt to avoid imprisonment, the pair of smugglers kidnapped the Authority administrator and successfully bartered for their freedom, finally receiving their long-awaited payment.



