Issue number four, the second to last in the Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet miniseries of comic books that are part of the canon, is titled Han Solo - Imperial Cadet 4. Robbie Thompson wrote it, Leonard Kirk drew it, and Marvel Comics released it on February 13, 2019.
Han Solo is at the Imperial Navy Mobile Base on Qhulosk, working on his TIE fighter. He watches Beilert Valance, another Imperial cadet, argue with Yurib Nakan, an Imperial officer. Yurib then speaks to Solo, asking how he's doing. Solo tells him he's preparing his ship for the upcoming battle. Yurib wonders if Solo is ready for battle, and Solo asks if that's what Valance was arguing about. Yurib describes Valance as cruel and petty, but also the best pilot from the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida.
Yurib tells Solo that he could be the best pilot in the Academy, but he's holding back. Yurib tells Solo that he was a difficult cadet who spent more time in the brig than flying. Despite this, Yurib became the best by following orders. He believes that the Galactic Empire represents order and the end of chaos.
After this, Lyttan Dree asks Solo if he's in trouble again. Solo says Yurib was just wishing him well. Tamu Dree complains that the Empire isn't telling them who they're fighting or why, and wonders how they'll survive. Lyttan assures Tamu that today will be easy, and notices that Solo has disabled the dampeners on his ship. Solo says this is to gain a little more speed. Lyttan warns that disabling the dampeners could cause the engine to flood and stall. Tamu asks if they should also disable their dampeners, and Lyttan agrees.
Later, Kanina Nico confronts Solo. She suspects he's planning to return to Corellia to find his friend Qi'ra by using the disabled dampeners to evade the Empire's sensors. Nico mentions that she has a friend named Weegee on her homeworld. Since they're heading into combat, and she wants to see Weegee again, she asks Solo to be her backup during the battle. Kanina also sees Han Solo's dice and wishes she had some of his luck.
During the mission on Qhulosk, Solo flies his TIE fighter alongside Nico. Nico urges him to go faster. Solo puts on his TIE fighter helmet. The Imperial TIE fighters come under attack from Qhuloskian gun emplacements and Qhuloskian fighter craft. Under Yurib's command, Carida Squadron is assigned the task of destroying the Qhuloskian shield generators and laser cannons.
Following Yurib's orders, Solo destroys a shield generator and several cannons. Kanina praises Solo's efforts, mentioning that there are still many cannons left to destroy. Three Qhuloskian fighters begin chasing Solo's TIE fighter, but they are quickly shot down. Solo thanks Nico, but it turns out that Valance was the one who saved them. He tells them to stop talking and focus on the shield generators. Joined by Lyttan and Tamu, they attack the Qhuloskian shield generators, destroying several.
Valance orders Carida Squadron to line up behind Kanina, but his fighter is hit by a Qhuloskian fighter, causing it to lose altitude. Solo contacts him via comlink, but Valance tells him to be quiet and kill the engines. As his fighter descends, Valance destroys several Qhuloskian fighters.
Solo warns Valance that his engines are on fire. Valance replies that they are running again, but he has lost control. Solo tells Valance to stay close, and he can guide him back to the Imperial base. Valance is impressed by this. However, a Qhuloskian fighter shoots off one of the solar panels on Valance's TIE fighter. Solo tells Valance to eject, but his ejection seat is stuck.
Since Carida Squadron has eliminated the enemy cannons, Yurib orders the squadron to return to base before the Qhuloskians can launch more fighters. Solo offers to land his ship to rescue Valance. However, Yurib tells Solo that Valance is lost and orders him to return with the rest of the squadron to base to escort the TIE bombers that will be used to bombard the city. Just then, the squadron is attacked by three Qhuloskian fighters, which shoot down several fighters. Solo suggests that his squadron fire on a nearby building, causing it to collapse on their attackers.
Carida Squadron gets back to the Imperial base, and Solo asks Yurib for permission to lead a rescue mission. However, the Imperial commander says there are thousands of enemy soldiers left in the city. He says that the TIE bombers will eliminate the remaining Qhuloskian forces in a few hours. Carida Squadron is ordered to escort the TIE bombers. He also forbids Solo and his team from going near a TIE fighter until then.
Solo tries to persuade Yurib to let them rescue Valance before the bombing run. However, Yurib believes that Valance died in combat while following orders. He tells Solo to follow orders, saying that soldiers die, and the Empire continues. Defying Yurib's orders, Solo decides to go back and rescue Valance. Nico, Lyttan, and Tamu join him. They get around Yurib's orders not to take TIE fighters by taking five 74-Z speeder bikes.
- UPC 759606091454; February 13 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00411; Cover A; David Nakayama 00421; Cover B; Caspar Wijngaard