Han Solo - Imperial Cadet #5 represents the concluding chapter of the canon comic book miniseries entitled Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet. Robbie Thompson served as the writer, Leonard Kirk provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on March 13, 2019.
At the Imperial Navy Mobile Base situated on Qhulosk, TIE bombers and TIE fighters gear up for their bombing mission targeting Howlan city. At the command center, the Imperial commander, Yurib Nakan, discovers the disappearance of five Imperial cadets along with their speeder bikes. A female Imperial officer informs him that scanner data indicates the speeders are moving along a path that might intersect with their bombing route. She then inquires whether to proceed with the bombing or postpone it until the cadets are back.
Han Solo, along with Kanina Nico, Lyttan Dree, and Tamu Dree, navigate the war-torn streets of Howlan on 74-Z speeder bikes, following the signal emitted from Beilert Valance's crashed vessel. Nico points out that the ship went down on their right. Nico urges everyone to move quickly, as the Galactic Empire is about to commence its bombing operation. Solo assures her that the Empire won't bomb them because he intentionally left the speeders' trackers enabled, ensuring the Empire is aware of their location.
As they venture further into the city, Tamu's bike sustains damage from Qhuloskian fire. His brother, Lyttan, then latches onto him. Nico also intervenes, preventing Solo from being struck by falling wreckage by destroying it. Solo expresses his gratitude, but she advises him to remain focused on the objective. They approach Valance's coordinates and discover a patrolling Qhuloskian unit. Tamu mentions that Valance's destroyed starship is located behind the building ahead. Solo suggests proceeding on foot, while Nico proposes parking their bikes beneath a sturdy structure nearby. Lyttan remains unconvinced by their strategy.
Before Solo can suggest splitting up into pairs, Kanina takes the lead and heads off. After maneuvering through the debris and Qhuloskian soldiers, they find Valance, who is positioned near his wrecked starfighter. Valance has suffered the loss of an eye and a broken arm, which they proceed to bandage. Valance is taken aback that the Empire dispatched them for his rescue, but Solo clarifies that they came independently. When Valance questions why the Empire wouldn't rescue him, Solo replies that they are merely expendable resources and that the Empire views them as such. Valance attempts to argue, but he reluctantly thanks Solo at Kanina's encouragement.
The group of five cadets then departs on the remaining three speeder bikes. While traversing Howlan, they come under attack from a Qhuloskian patrol, leading to a firefight. Meanwhile, the Imperial TIE bombers have completed loading their ordnance. Commander Yurib announces that he will personally oversee the bombing operation and pledges to obliterate Howlan from existence.
In Howlan, Solo tries to negotiate with the Qhuloskians, offering them the opportunity to surrender without conditions. The Qhuloskians decline his offer and prepare to open fire on the cadets. However, the Qhuloskians are killed by Ghular slave laborers, who have seized the moment to rebel against their oppressors. Solo and the cadets learn that the Qhuloskians have been forcing the Ghulars to mine for farium, a substance that enhances the strength of their ships for warfare.
The Ghular leader expresses his fear that the Empire will seize all of the farium in the galaxy and enslave them as well. He asserts that his people desire freedom, not slavery. He persuades Solo and the cadets to allow the Ghulars to use the escape pods from a damaged Qhuloskian ship to escape.
Solo notices that Kanina appears troubled and asks what is wrong. Nico explains that she hails from a mining planet that exports farium and that her friend Weegee works as a miner. Lyttan believes that they will be fine since they will be sent back for training while the rest of the battalion is heading to the Huru system. Kanina replies that her planet is located within the Huru system and fears that the Empire will also enslave her people, work them to death, and destroy whatever is left so it cannot be used against them. She fears that Weegee is in danger and that there is nothing she can do about it.
Nico kicks her speeder bike in frustration. Solo notices that the Ghulars have left one escape pod behind. He tells Kanina to hand her TIE fighter pilot helmet before blasting it. Solo tells the other cadets that their official story is that Kanina did not survive the mission. The other cadets including Valance agree, though he says that this is a tough loss for the Empire since Kanina was the second best pilot at the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida.
Kanina is unwilling to leave but Solo reassures her that she can. Lyttan and Tamu agree while Valance warns that Nico will be wanted by the Empire. Solo tells Nico that he has been planning to leave since basic training and plans to leave in the near fauture. Solo urges Nico to fake her death in order to leave the Empire. He reassures her that they will get Valance back safely and will cover for her. Solo tells her that she doesn't owe the Empire anything.
Nico is hesitant but Solo reassures her that she can use the escape pod in the Qhuloskian ship to get out of the Empire's range and that she can figure things out after that. When Kanina asks Solo how he does it, Solo admits he doesn't know but that he keeps moving forward. He senses that she believes in something but that it is not the Empire. Solo tells her that he believes in Qi'ra and that is what keeps him moving. She convinces Nico to go and save Weegee and her people. Nico agrees and hugs Solo. She wishes him all the best in finding Solo.
After Nico departs, Solo and the remaining cadets head back toward Imperial lines, escorting the injured Valance. Qhuloskian ships pursue their speeder bikes, but Instructor Yurib's TIE fighters intercept and destroy the enemy fighters. As the bombers initiate their run, Yurib instructs the cadets to report to the sick bay.
Upon returning to the Imperial base, Valance undergoes the amputation of a leg and the removal of an eye. However, he becomes distressed upon learning that the Empire will not cover the costs of his mechno-leg and cybernetic eye, effectively grounding him for good. Tamu says that Valance is an Imperial loyalist who will pay for a full medical recovery himself and believes that he has potential as a grunt. Tamu also tells Solo and Lyttan that his patchup-job on Valance led the Empire to recruit him as a medic and transfer him to a mobile hospital. He hopes to see his wife if they are still married. Lyttan tells Solo that he is still in the Imperial fighter program and hopes to remain in the leaderboard.
Instructor Yurib speaks with Solo. While he is sympathetic to Solo over the alleged loss of Nico, he reminds Solo that her death came as a result of his insubordination. Solo is confined to the brig in order to reflect over his "foolish and wasteful actions." Yurib hopes that Solo recognizes that he is part of something larger and that the Empire needs soldiers rather than heroes.
Meanwhile, Nico returns to her homeworld in the Huru system where she has an emotion reunion with her boyfriend Weegee.
- UPC 759606091454; March 13 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00511; Cover A; David Nakayama 00521; Cover B; Khoi Pham, Brian Reber