The HAVr A9 Floating Fortress, also referred to as the Floating Fortress or the HAVr A9, was an armored transport with repulsorcraft capabilities, produced by Ubrikkian Industries. Due to being engineered by the same division, it bore a strong resemblance to the K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport. The Imperial Army favored it, particularly in urban settings. Its more compact size provided increased versatility compared to the Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport.
Resembling the K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport significantly, the Floating Fortress was a repulsorcraft-based transport with substantial armor protection. Virtually every surface of the HAVr 9 boasted nearly impenetrable plating. It featured a dorsal-mounted, short-range laser turret equipped with two independently targetable and firing barrels. The chassis of the Floating Fortress could also serve as a weapon, capable of smashing through most obstructions. Furthermore, the vehicle included a sophisticated medium-range sensor array, and its repulsorlift system allowed for a maximum operational height of 20 meters.

The initial mention of the HAVr A9 Floating Fortress within the new Star Wars canon occurred in Forged in Battle, a 2016 sourcebook by Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game. Its origin lies in the Star Wars Legends timeline, where it was initially referenced in the Imperial Sourcebook, a 1989 resource for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games.