Hossferin, a male lord hailing from the Vandelae star system Hossferins, journeyed to the planet of Ktath'atn. His objective was to secure a meeting with the planet's queen. Upon his arrival, he discovered, to his great displeasure, that the queen's annual reception, designed for individuals seeking her favor, had concluded earlier than anticipated, thus denying him an audience. Unwilling to concede defeat, he initiated threats against the queen's security personnel, a course of action that prompted the arrival of her lieutenant, Bombinax, who ended the lord's life by casting him from a cliff.

In the year 0 ABY, Lord Hossferin, a male member of the Hossferins of the Vandelae star system, undertook a journey from the moons of Ai'ken Prime to the planet of Ktath'atn. His purpose was to gain an audience with the Queen of Ktath'atn. His intention was to participate in the yearly reception hosted by the queen, where she would grant favors to attendees who presented her with unique and intriguing specimens of organic life. Upon reaching the gates of the queen's citadel, he was informed by the guards that the reception had finished the previous day.

Enraged by this news, he resorted to threatening the guards, demanding an audience regardless. As he voiced his complaints, Bombinax, the lieutenant of the queen, approached the gate. The lord, seeing someone of higher authority than the guards, mistakenly believed he was making progress. However, without uttering a word, Bombinax struck Hossferin with the back of his hand as he walked by, causing the lord to fall over the edge of a cliff, resulting in his death. Following this, Bombinax eliminated the lord's two guards and resumed his mission to neutralize the Wookiee bounty hunter known as Krrsantan.
Hossferin was incensed by the denial of his request to meet with the queen, firmly believing that someone of his stature should not be refused. He commenced insulting both the guards and the queen herself, threatening to unleash the "legendary Hossferin wrath" upon them if they failed to comply with his demands. Hossferin possessed yellow eyes, black hair, and brown skin.
Hossferin made his debut appearance in the comic book titled Star Wars (2015) 31. This comic was penned by Jason Aaron, illustrated by Salvador Larroca, and released on May 17, 2017.