Indigo was the Dar'manda's male leader; this group of former Mandalorians operated out of Mek-Sha during the third Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.
Following the attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, Indigo told the Commander he had nothing to do with it. Despite this, Shae Vizla suspected Indigo had connections to the attack and could aid in locating Heta Kol's Hidden Chain, so she visited him on Mek-Sha to investigate. Indigo would eventually discover Bask Sunn's death, and the Dar'manda's banishment from the Hidden Chain, which pleased him since he considered the Mandalorian greedy.
During the Onslaught expansion's Mek-Sha storyline, players, whether aligned with the Republic or Empire, can seek either Indigo or Veek the Sneak's support to sell fuel to the Republic and gain the majority vote. If the player brings Akaavi Spar, Shae Vizla, or Torian Cadera to meet Indigo, he will express disgust and refuse to deal with Mandalorians or anyone like them. Otherwise, he will request a private meeting, where he will demand the player eliminate Veek in exchange for his support. Accepting Indigo's offer earns the player dark side points, while refusing earns light side points; however, the player can return to Indigo later. If the player later informs the Rodian Veek about Indigo's offer, he will remark that Indigo will not be happy.
If a Republic player sided with Indigo, he will subsequently provide the Republic forces with high-quality weaponry.