Io Tsomcren

Io Tsomcren was a male Mon Calamari shipwright who existed during the Galactic Civil War era. In the year 1 ABY, a substantial order for starship parts was placed with Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium in Coronet on Corellia planet by Tarth Jaxx, along with fellow Mon Calamari shipwright Tarth Jaxx. Upon their arrival at the Coronet Starport, Jaxx and Tsomcren discovered the shipment's disappearance. Ral Mundi expressed confusion regarding the situation and offered sincere apologies for the inconvenience. However, as the delivery failed to materialize, Jaxx's demeanor turned hostile, while Tsomcren maintained a calm and understanding attitude. Consequently, Mundi sought assistance from the Corellian Security Force, leading Lieutenant Mack Jasper of CorSec to dispatch an investigator. The investigator found that the Ragtag gang had stolen the shipment, but ultimately managed to recover it. Nevertheless, because of the Ragtag's involvement, the shipwrights were unable to receive their order immediately, as CorSec decided to retain it as evidence.

TsomcrenMundiJaxx Io Tsomcren together with Ral Mundi and Tarth Jaxx in Coronet City

Behind the scenes

Io Tsomcren appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment, and published by LucasArts, before its closure on December 15, 2011.

Ral Mundi, Tarth Jaxx, and Io Tsomcren were incorporated into the game through the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion, which was launched on October 27, 2004. These NPCs initially served as "greeter NPCs," stationed at starport entrances to provide general information to players arriving on a new planet. With the release of "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005, a new quest involving Ral Mundi, Tarth Jaxx, and Io Tsomcren was introduced to the game. This quest, titled "Find the Missing Shipment of Starship Components," became widely recognized as "Ral Mundi's quest." Ral Mundi's quest was revamped with the release of the "Publish 27," on February 15, 2006, integrating it into the "Legacy Quest," the game's primary questline.

