Ral Mundi

Ral Mundi, existing during the era of the Galactic Civil War, was a businessman of the male Twi'lek species.


Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Ral Mundi was in charge of a starship construction business. This business, named Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium, had its headquarters in Coronet City on the planet of Corellia.

Ral Mundi alongside Tarth Jaxx and Io Tsomcren waiting for the missing shipment.

In the year 1 ABY, a critical delivery of starship parts, previously ordered by Ral Mundi, went missing while being transported, creating significant problems for his company. Mundi had invested every available credit into this specific shipment, and two of his shipwrights, Tarth Jaxx and Io Tsomcren, were eagerly awaiting its arrival. Ral Mundi was concerned that he would be unable to compensate the shipwrights for the lost shipment, and that he would be unable to move forward with other projects. Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium was close to financial collapse, which led Mundi to request assistance from the Corellian Security Force. Lieutenant Mack Jasper of CorSec dispatched a spacer, who had previously worked with Ral Mundi and his assistant Abagga Creel, to seek out information regarding the whereabouts of the missing shipment. The spacer eventually discovered that the Ragtags had stolen the shipment, aided by Tomi Jinsin, one of Mundi's own employees who was secretly a member of the Ragtags. The spacer successfully recovered the shipment from within the Coronet Capitol, along with a container of illicit spice. The recovery of the missing shipment prevented the company from going bankrupt, and Mundi felt extreme gratitude. Further investigation by CorSec into the theft of the shipment and the smuggled spice uncovered a conspiracy by Rogue CorSec members to depose the Diktat, Daclif Gallamby.

Behind the scenes

Ral Mundi was featured as a non-player character within the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.

Ral Mundi, alongside Tarth Jaxx and Io Tsomcren, were integrated into the game through the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion, which was launched on October 27, 2004. Initially, these NPCs were designed as "greeter NPCs," positioned at the entrances of starports to offer basic information to players arriving on new planets. Following the release of "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005, a fresh quest involving Ral Mundi, Tarth Jaxx, and Io Tsomcren was incorporated into the game. This quest, known as "Find the Missing Shipment of Starship Components", was more commonly referred to as "Ral Mundi's quest". "Ral Mundi's quest" was updated with the release of "Publish 27," on February 15, 2006, and the quest was integrated into the "Legacy Quest," which was the primary questline in the game.

