Jarwal fiber

Jarwal fiber refers to an Akivan textile material originating from the world of Akiva.

In the year 3 ABY, Ranu Orkin, a Weequay merchant, conducted a transaction in Myrra, selling a unit of Jarwal fiber to associates of the Hutt Clan for 261 credits. On Akiva, Namda Eaakee, a Rodian scavenger, expressed a desire to exchange jarwal fiber for transparisteel and slivian iron. Also in that year, Shuma, a Quarren merchant with rogue tendencies, traded the fiber across numerous planets using her Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport.

Behind the scenes

The 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws, created by Massive Entertainment and brought to market by Ubisoft, featured Jarwal fiber. Although it carries the same designation as the Jarwal tree indigenous to Akiva, a confirmed link between the fiber's origin and the tree remains unverified, therefore this article refrains from making a definitive association.

