
Jeq was part of the Remainders, a group of former bounty hunters responsible for the administration of Moonbender Colony. Reputed to have previously been an acrobat, Jeq held the distinction of being the Remainders' most senior member and possessed considerable expertise in close combat. In the period spanning from approximately 40 BBY to 32 BBY, during the Sith apprentice Darth Maul's assault on the colony, Jeq, along with his fellow Remainders, endeavored to protect it. During Jeq's confrontation with Maul, Barva-Zul compelled the Sith to withdraw by employing a blaster cannon. Subsequently, the two Remainders separated to locate Maul, but Jeq ultimately met his death at Maul's hands. The Sith then clothed Jeq's corpse in his own cloak, deceiving Barva-Zul into believing that Maul had been subdued. Upon examining the body, Barva-Zul recognized it as Jeq and was swiftly overcome by Maul.

