Kalandis Seven, situated in the Kalandis system within the Pallis sector of the Inner Rim, was a barren planet. The reconstituted Sith Empire invaded and occupied Kalandis Seven in 3640 BBY, following the Battle of Corellia. While the Republic and Imperial Navies engaged in combat in the skies above, the Galactic Republic's ground forces struggled to maintain their position. During this conflict, Sergeant Shanra Immel and Colonel [Jace Malcom], part of a Republic squad on the planet, were tasked with destroying the local spaceport. Ultimately, the squad achieved its objective.
This alien planet, Kalandis Seven, resided in the Kalandis system, specifically within the Pallis sector of the Inner Rim. It was a desolate world, devoid of surface water. Its landscape consisted of canyons, cliffs, and fractured plains. The atmosphere was breathable for Humans, featured a dry fog, and possessed low gravity.
During the Galactic War in 3640 BBY, a renewed period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, the Sith Empire invaded and occupied Kalandis Seven. After the Imperials withdrew from Corellia, the Republic's military forces on the planet struggled to maintain their foothold, while the Republic Navy battled the Imperial armada for planetary control. A mission was assigned to Sergeant Shanra Immel's squad of Republic soldiers to destroy the local spaceport, with Colonel Jace Malcom of the Republic Special Forces Division acting as an advisor to the squad. During the mission, a Sith planetary command ship made planetfall, and Malcom altered the mission to include capturing the vessel. He proceeded alone to seize the command ship, while Immel's squad continued to destroy the spaceport. Ultimately, the command ship was self-destructed, and the mission to destroy the spaceport was a success.
Kalandis Seven contained a few military installations belonging to both the Republic and the Empire, as well as its own spaceport.
Kalandis Seven was initially mentioned as a desolate alien world in The Essential Reader's Companion, a reference book released on October 2, 2012. The planet made its first appearance and was identified by name in Alexander Freed's short story, The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom, which was published on October 23, 2012 as part of Star Wars Insider 137.