A Rutian Twi'lek male named Kam served as a communications engineer for the Republic Pathfinder group during the High Republic Era. He was a member of Republic Communications Team Oh-Arr-Ee-Three-Six-One, offering communications expertise to Pathfinder team led by Jedi Master Silandra Sho, working alongside Amos Tillian. His gender was male.
Kam, together with his colleague Amos Tillian, came across a damaged EX droid. They soon realized it wasn't part of the Pathfinder team they were assisting. Tillian integrated the droid into their ship's systems, which allowed Kam to analyze the data from the droid's memory. He discovered it was EX-8C, a droid belonging to Outer Rim Expedition Two-Five-Two, and that it contained a repeating distress signal from Rok Buran. While Tillian contacted Master Sho's Pathfinder team, Kam charted a course for Aubadas.
Upon landing and meeting up with the Pathfinders, the group, guided by a native Katikoot, proceeded to the ambassador's lounge in the Diurna capital. They awaited the Jedi's return from a meeting with the Katikoot leader. Tillian consumed a glass of Hibinacho juice, but the high sugar content made him overly energetic, so Kam took the drink away from him.
Silandra Sho then returned and updated everyone on what the Katikoot had shared regarding other Pathfinder activities. The Jedi requested that Kam and Tillian examine the Katikoot's communications infrastructure to determine the cause of the significant static and interference.
Kam went with Tillian to the central systems hub in Diurna to inspect the equipment. He suggested that electrical storms might be the cause of the long-range communications issues, but Tillian noted that local communications were also affected. The Twi'lek then proposed that the Katikoot's lack of backup systems could be the problem, but Tillian dismissed this, citing their advanced technology. Kam had some tea and suggested re-examining the main relay. He placed his cup on the monitors, which irritated his partner. While discussing the issue, Kam wondered if sabotage, rather than a system failure, could be the cause. He and Tillian closely inspected the main communications relay and noticed that one power hub looked different from the others. When GT-11 removed the power hub's casing, Kam and his partner discovered it was a fake, which unfortunately caused the entire system to shut down and cut off power to the city.
Kam crawled under the machinery and started inspecting the wires and circuitry. GT-11 provided light while Kam worked to restore power. Tillian grew anxious about the Katikoot's reaction to the outage and urged Kam to work faster. Tillian worried that the Katikoot might imprison them for disabling the city's power, but Kam reassured him that the locks were likely electronic and therefore also non-functional. The Twi'lek managed to make some connections in a junction box, briefly restoring power to the city, but it quickly shorted out. He switched places with Tillian, who continued the repairs. Once finished, Kam pressed a button on the console to reactivate the power. After two attempts, the power returned. Not hearing any cheers, Kam speculated that the Katikoot might be hesitant to believe the fix was permanent.
Upon the Pathfinders' return from Gloam, Kam joined in the celebration of the conclusion of the Eiram and E'ronoh War.