Rok Buran was a Jedi Master, a male human, who was active during the time of the High Republic Era.
He was the leader of Republic Pathfinder team Outer Rim Expedition Two-Five-Two; its other members included Maliq, his Padawan, as well as Joneth, Branda, and the communications droid EX-8C. In approximately 382 BBY, the team was betrayed and set upon during an expedition to the planet Gloam. Buran was the only one to live through the ordeal, left for dead after being hurt by the monsters that inhabited the world. He managed to reach an ancient Jedi temple on the planet, finding shelter there and sending out a distress signal via EX-8C. This signal was eventually picked up by Master Silandra Sho's Pathfinder team.
After departing from Aubadas, Buran became part of another Pathfinder team aboard the Pathfinder ship Witherbloom. He spoke with Xinith Tarl regarding the loss of his previous team on Gloam. Their ship was then attacked and rammed by a craft. As a result of the collision, both ships crashed on a planet nearby. Buran assisted the injured Tarl, who was trapped under debris. When the pilot, Pako, told the Jedi that the ship was about to explode, Buran inquired about the safety of the planet's atmosphere. Realizing the danger, Buran rescued Tarl and escaped the exploding ship with the rest of the crew.
After setting Tarl down, he had the medic Ambar care for the injured Bith. The rest of the team held a meeting and decided to investigate the other crashed ship for supplies and survivors. They proceeded to the crash site and divided into teams to search through the wreckage. Buran and Padawan Coron Solstus examined the bridge. As they went further into the ship, Solstus questioned Buran about the death of Maliq. The two reached the controls and began to reroute power but were overcome by something that clouded their senses.
Kane attacked Solstus, but Buran stepped in to defend his Padawan, disarming the Path of the Closed Fist member. He instructed Solstus to restrain Kane and then questioned the man about his mission. Buran asked Kane if he considered the Jedi to be his enemies, and Kane replied that the creature outside the ship would bring the Jedi Order to its knees. Buran asked Solstus about the status of the equipment on the bridge and told him to use the local sensors to locate the creature on the ship's hull. He decided to risk returning to the other part of the ship to warn the other survivors about the beast attempting to kill them. When Buran believed the path was clear, he, Solstus, and Kane rushed to the other wreckage. However, the creature overcame the Jedi and killed Kane. Buran instructed Solstus to return to the safety of the front part of the wreckage. Pako was able to electrify the hull, temporarily driving the creature away. The Jedi Master and Padawan ran back to the other part of the ship, but the creature affected them before they could enter. Trapped outside, Buran used his lightsaber to cut a hole in the hull, allowing them to escape the beast.
Fighting off the creature's influence, Buran managed to cut a hole in the ship's side. Once inside, he used the Force to wedge a container into the hole, preventing the animal from entering. Solstus confided in Buran that the creature frightened him, and Buran reassured him that it was a Jedi's duty to face their fears and stand up to them, even though he felt it too. The pair began searching for the other survivors but encountered a group of Path of the Open Hand members. Buran convinced them to form a truce with the Jedi, and they all returned to the cargo hold where the rest of the survivors were. He intervened when Pako and Shalish accused each other of aggression, stating that the Path members were there for medical assistance. He emphasized that the Jedi helped anyone in need. To create space for medical treatment, Buran and the others moved large gemstones that were in the cargo bay, unaware that they were actually Nameless eggs. Buran and Solstus spoke with Badani about the creature and its effect on them. He insisted that they had to find a way to neutralize the creature and escape the planet to warn the Jedi Council. Pako suggested overloading the engines to create an explosion that would kill the creature. Despite Badani's reservations, Buran agreed with the plan. He decided to accompany Solstus as they returned to the front part of the wreckage to restart the engines remotely. He questioned the Path members about the creature, who denied knowing anything about it despite Kane's earlier boast that it would destroy the Jedi Order.
Buran and Solstus went back to the hole in the ship's side and discussed their plan. Buran would distract the creature so Solstus could connect the two parts of the wreckage with a cable. Once finished, Solstus would return to the survivors while Buran would lure the creature back to the wreckage to trap it inside. The Padawan expressed concern for Buran, but he assured him that he would be alright. The Jedi Master removed the container blocking the hole and ran away from the ship. He felt the creature's influence but couldn't find it until he realized it had doubled back and entered the wreckage behind them. He instructed Solstus to proceed with his part of the plan and then ran back inside the ship to warn the other survivors.
As Buran searched the ship for the creature, he could feel its effects. The Jedi found the body of Wole, who had been fatally wounded. He returned to the other survivors and informed them that two members of the Path had been killed by the creature. Once the engine overload began, Buran helped Geth evacuate the ship. Badani ordered Buran to get the survivors out and quietly asked him to look after Solstus. Geth questioned why the Jedi was helping him, as his injuries were slowing them down and making them more vulnerable to attack. Buran replied that protecting life was the right thing to do and a Jedi's duty. They got away from the ship before it exploded. Solstus tried to go back to the burning wreckage to find Badani, but Buran stopped him and comforted the Padawan.