
Wole was a mercenary of Rodian descent. He belonged to both the Path of the Open Hand cult and its offshoot, the Path of the Closed Fist. Wole became a member of the cult in 382 BBY, not long before their departure from the planet Dalna and journey to the sacred moon of Jedha. He was chosen to accompany several other members of the Path, under the leadership of prospector Radicaz Dobbs, on a quest to the mythical Planet X. Their mission was to acquire eggs belonging to the Nameless species and transport them back to the Path compound on Dalna. The intention was to use these eggs as weapons against the Jedi. During an attempt to flee The Veil surrounding the planet, after having successfully obtained many of the eggs aboard the vessel Bonecrusher, Wole proposed initiating a hyperspace jump. Geth, another member of the Path on Wole's ship, relayed this suggestion to Dobbs via comm. Dobbs dismissed it as madness, but Shea Ganandra, an engineer on Dobbs's ship, utilized The Force to alter the coordinates of his Path and transmit them to Wole. Wole initially considered her path to be illogical, but she insisted it would succeed if they adjusted their jump thrusters. Following Wole's execution of the jump, the ship vanished in a tremendous flash of light, which Ganandra interpreted as either the ship's destruction or its ejection from hyperspace.

Later, Wole's ship, carrying Path members Shalish and Geth, along with numerous eggs, abruptly exited hyperspace directly in front of the Galactic Republic Pathfinder ship Witherbloom. A firefight ensued between the two ships, culminating in both crash-landing on a desolate, rocky planet. The crash caused one of the Nameless eggs to rupture, releasing the creature within. Wole, accompanied by fellow Path members Geth and Shalish, who had also been aboard the ship, traversed the wreckage. They encountered a Jedi named Sula Badani, who questioned them. After Badani was impacted by the creature's effects, Wole and his companions seized the opportunity to escape. However, Wole and the other Path members were ultimately compelled to collaborate with the Jedi and Pathfinders for survival, despite Shalish's open hostility and attempts to persuade Wole to abandon them. Eventually, one of the Pathfinders devised a strategy to neutralize the creature by detonating the ship with it inside, a plan Wole assisted in executing. But upon hearing the creature approaching the engine room, Shalish chose to abandon the Pathfinder, dragging a reluctant Wole along with her. Ultimately, both were killed by the creature. A mortally wounded Wole recounted the events to Jedi Rok Buran shortly before his death.

