Kebbo, a Rodian male, held the position of Chief Magistrate for the Pembric Security Legion in 8 ABY. This individual, deeply involved in criminal activities, was also associated with the cartel of crime lord Crev Bombaasa on Pembric II, a planet situated within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories; the Security Legion's operations were aligned with the cartel's interests. In 8 ABY, the New Republic ousted Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne from his authority during the battle_of_kal%27shebbol in the sector. Bombaasa then seized the opportunity to assert control over Pembric II, establishing a puppet government that outwardly displayed pro-Imperial sentiments to dissuade any intervention from the New Republic. As the Security Legion's leader, Kebbo enforced Bombaasa's directives, ensuring the detention of the crime lord's adversaries and maintaining control over the populace by imposing restrictions on off-world travel through exorbitant fees.
In that year, Kebbo, along with Security Legionnaires under his command, encountered an undercover team from the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar when they landed on the planet in search of Breslin Drake, the proprietor of the ThrusterBurn Tapcafe. Bombaasa had informed the Rodian of the party's true allegiance, and Kebbo was dispatched to determine their objectives while present on Pembric II. Later, he accompanied the delegation to a meeting with Bombaasa, where he unsuccessfully attempted to apprehend them on suspicion of acquiring transit visas without proper payment.
Kebbo was a male Rodian residing on Pembric II, a planet located in the Kathol sector within the Outer Rim Territories. He was a part of crime lord Crev Bombaasa's criminal cartel, and gained notoriety through acts of theft, intimidation, protection rackets, and robbery. By 8 ABY, Kebbo had risen to the position of Chief Magistrate of the Pembric Security Legion, the law enforcement agency on Pembric II. While appearing to be a legitimate police force, the Security Legion was deeply corrupt. When the Imperial warlord of the region, Moff Kentor Sarne, was ejected from his capital on Kal'Shebbol by the New Republic, his authority over the planets in the sector crumbled. The Bombaasa Cartel stepped in to govern the Pembric system, establishing a puppet government that feigned allegiance to the Empire to deter the New Republic from entering the system. Under the Cartel's control, the Security Legion resumed operations as a law enforcement entity, but its primary focus was benefiting Bombaasa and his illicit activities. As Chief Magistrate, Kebbo possessed extensive authority to detain the Cartel's enemies. With the Bombaasa Cartel in control of the planet, strict emigration policies were implemented to prevent citizens from leaving Pembric II. High-priced transit visas and exit passes were required for anyone seeking to depart the planet. Kebbo was known for promising to arrange transport for those who could afford it, only to abandon them at the spaceport without money or means of support.

Shortly after Sarne's removal from his capital, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar entered the Pembric system, seeking Breslin Drake in the hope that he could guide them to someone capable of resolving technical issues with their ship. Aware of Pembric II's reputation, the FarStar's commander, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, opted to dispatch an undercover team posing as illegal arms merchants under the leadership of Twi'lek procurement specialist Loh'khar, the Finder. Their transport was the FarStar's Aegis-class combat shuttle, devoid of New Republic markings. However, one of the Cartel's mining outposts in the Pembric asteroid field detected their arrival. Kebbo was dispatched to meet the shuttle at Pad 642 of the spaceport, knowing that the crew were New Republic agents. He was authorized to answer their questions, albeit not entirely truthfully, and to ascertain their purpose on the planet. Kebbo was instructed not to reveal his knowledge of their allegiance and to ensure that the delegation "disappeared" if necessary. After collecting their landing fee, Kebbo, for an additional fee, directed the New Republic delegation to Drake, the manager of the ThrusterBurn Tapcafe. The Rodian also suggested that, for 1,000 credits, he could arrange security measures to protect their ship, noting that theft was common without such precautions. As the negotiations concluded, a disturbance caused by civilians seeking to leave the planet drew Kebbo's attention; several Security Legionnaires used their blaster rifle butts as clubs to subdue the crowd, and Kebbo ordered the shooting of any protester who refused to leave the landing area.
After providing directions to the ThrusterBurn, Kebbo assigned a pair of Legionnaires to escort the delegation. Unbeknownst to him, these Legionnaires were actually deep-cover agents loyal to Moff Sarne. Despite the Bombaasa Cartel's efforts to purge the planet of Imperial loyalists after Sarne's defeat at Kal'Shebbol, some remained hidden. These two Imperial agents, along with five thugs, attempted to capture Loh'khar and his companions. The New Republic crew fought back, defeating their attackers and recovering a data plaque containing transit visas from one of the agents. Kebbo, accompanied by a squad of Legionnaires, later arrived at the ThrusterBurn, interrupting the New Republic delegation's conversation with Drake. The Chief Magistrate informed them that Crev Bombaasa wished to meet with them, making it clear that the invitation was not optional. Bombaasa met them in the ThrusterBurn's casino and revealed that he was aware of their true allegiance. Assuming that they lacked the authority to negotiate a deal to keep the New Republic out of the Pembric system, he invited them to leave the planet, but mentioned that the travel visas would be costly. Kebbo, noticing the disappearance of the two Legionnaires he had assigned to escort the delegation, prepared to search the crew for the transit visas that the guards had been carrying. The New Republic delegation resisted, and a fight ensued. Drake and his bouncers joined the New Republic's side, helping them to escape. Shortly thereafter, the New Republic team successfully liberated a slicer named Gaelin from Bombaasa's incarceration to assist them with their technical issues, and subsequently fled the planet.
Kebbo displayed a violent and ruthless nature, but his loyalty was for sale, and he gravitated toward the strongest organization to ensure his continued success. He believed the Bombaasa Cartel offered the most stability on Pembric II, reasoning that it had outlasted Imperial rule and would likely outlast the New Republic as well. Kebbo was courteous and possessed an eccentric sense of humor, but he was also cruel, corrupt, and frequently accepted bribes. The Rodian was known to imply that harm would befall the ships of visitors to Pembric II unless they paid a security fee, allowing him to pocket extra credits.
Kebbo had training in the use of blasters, particularly pistols, and carried both a heavy blaster pistol and a hold-out blaster. He was proficient in unarmed combat and could be intimidating and persuasive when necessary. Kebbo possessed knowledge of alien species, languages, and planetary systems, as well as an understanding of starship values. A skilled pilot, Kebbo could fly capital ships, smaller vessels, and starfighters, and could navigate them through hyperspace. He was also capable of operating on-board sensor, weapon, and deflector shield systems. Additionally, he could operate ground vehicles, hover vehicles, and repulsorlift vehicles.
The Rodian's technical skills included the ability to repair various vehicles, including capital ships, space transports, starfighters, ground vehicles, and hover vehicles. Kebbo was also trained to repair capital ship weapon systems and to program and repair computers. He possessed a working knowledge of security systems and carried a security toolkit. As a career criminal, Kebbo was skilled in stealth and knew how to con or bargain with others. He was also a skilled forger, specializing in ship IDs. He typically carried a comlink and a credit voucher worth 5,000 credits.
Kebbo's initial appearance occurred in Crisis, which was the fourth RPG adventure within The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games, released in 1995. The adventure's writers were Eric S. Trautmann and Paul Sudlow, and the illustrations were created by Tim Bobko.