Ketsu Onyo's informant

Ketsu speeding Ketsu Onyo had a contact who provided information. During the Imperial Era, a source of information maintained connections with the mercenary known as Ketsu Onyo. While on the planet [Garel](/article/garel] sometime between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the rebels Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren encountered Onyo, intending to give her a datacard for delivery to the informant. When Onyo wrecked her speeder bike en route to meeting them, Wren volunteered to transport Onyo to the rendezvous on her own, recently painted speeder bike. Nevertheless, Onyo relayed that the informant had stipulated she arrive alone, leading Wren to reluctantly let Onyo borrow her speeder bike for the task. Shortly after, as Wren and Syndulla waited aboard their starship, the Ghost, Onyo showed up and informed them of the successful exchange with the informant.

Maz Kanata, the pirate queen, recounted the narrative of Onyo's encounter with the informant, along with Wren and Syndulla's part in it, at the earliest in 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The informant's initial mention occurred in flashbacks featured in the Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume 2 television special. This special comprised eight episodes taken from the first season of the Star Wars Forces of Destiny animated micro-series. The television special premiered on October 29, 2017. The episode in question, entitled "Crash Course," was subsequently released as the first season's concluding episode on November 1 of the same year.

