KMD-RA-71 was a Galactic Empire servant; more specifically, it was an RA-7 protocol droid with silver plating. This droid was present on the moon of Jedha, specifically within Jedha City, during 1 BBY. When the Galactic Empire withdrew its forces from Jedha, KMD-RA-71 was "accidentally" abandoned by its owner. The droid then observed the Star Destroyer named Dauntless as it departed. Subsequently, the Empire annihilated Jedha City using the Death Star's superweapon.


KMD-RA-71, an RA-7 protocol droid in service to the Galactic Empire, found itself on the moon of Jedha in 1 BBY. During its time there, while the droid was navigating a market-filled street in Jedha City, two children rushed past it. This caused KMD-RA-71 to pause near three members of the Central Isopter cult and turn its head toward the direction the children had run.

As the Galactic Empire pulled back its troops from Jedha, KMD-RA-71 was "accidentally" abandoned by his owner. The droid looked up at the atmosphere as the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer called the Dauntless left Jedha City. Soon after, the Empire's Death Star superweapon unleashed its power on Jedha City, obliterating it. Abandoning KMD-RA-71 would have provided its owner with a brief respite from handling an RA-7 unit, which were generally disliked, before the Imperial Security Bureau assigned a replacement.


Like all RA-7 protocol droids, KMD-RA-71 was produced by Arakyd Industries and had a height of 1.7 meters. It featured silver plating and black broadband photoreceptors with a coating to reduce glare.

Behind the scenes

Nathan Plant had issues seeing while in the KMD-RA-71 costume.

The character of KMD-RA-71 was brought to life by creature and droid performer Nathan Plant in the 2016 Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, making its initial appearance in the film's second story trailer. While the droid remained unnamed in Rogue One, Pablo Hidalgo later provided a designation in the reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was launched on the same day as the movie.

Plant—who also played 4D6-J-A7 in Rogue One and one of the Hassk triplets in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens—experienced severely limited visibility while in the KMD-RA-71 costume because the lenses consistently fogged up during filming.

