The RA-7 protocol droid known as 4D6-J-A7 functioned as an administrative assistant for both Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau of the Galactic Empire throughout the Age of the Empire. Due to the implementation of intrusion safeguards on her memory systems, 4D6-J-A7 cultivated an inflated sense of self-importance, causing her to look down upon droids she considered to be of lesser importance. During the battle with the Rebel Alliance, she was located within the Empire's Citadel Tower situated on the planet of Scarif. This battle ultimately led to the tower's obliteration by the superweapon of the Empire, the Death Star.
4D6-J-A7, an RA-7 protocol droid, worked as an administrative assistant for both Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau. During the Age of the Empire, she was assigned to the Imperial Office of Security found within the Citadel Tower. This tower housed the archival Scarif vault and was part of the Imperial security complex on the planet Scarif.

In the year 0 BBY, she was present inside the Citadel Tower when Rebel Alliance operatives Jyn Erso, Cassian Jeron Andor, and K-2SO gained unauthorized entry by disguising themselves as Imperial personnel. The Alliance trio walked past 4D6-J-A7 while the droid was in conversation with a couple of Imperial officers; however, she failed to identify them as a legitimate threat to the Empire. The Battle of Scarif soon commenced, which resulted in the Alliance managing to steal the plans for the Empire's Death Star superweapon. The Citadel Tower was subsequently destroyed by the Death Star itself.

Constructed by Arakyd Industries, 4D6-J-A7 possessed programming that suggested a feminine identity. She had black sensors along with unique, shiny black plating. As with all RA-7 protocol droids, she stood at a height of 1.7 meters (5 feet, 7 inches). Because 4D6-J-A7 routinely dealt with highly sensitive information, her databanks were shielded against electronic or other kinds of unauthorized access. This, combined with her elevated position, led to the development of an arrogant attitude. She behaved in a disagreeable and unbearably superior manner towards droids she considered to be beneath her, though this did not affect her performance while stationed on Scarif.
Nathan Plant played the role of 4D6-J-A7 in the 2016 Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Plant also portrayed KMD-RA-71, another RA-7 droid in Rogue One, in addition to one of the Hassk triplets in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the 2015 sequel trilogy film. Although 4D6-J-A7 was not explicitly named in the film, Pablo Hidalgo provided her designation in the reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was launched on the same day as the movie.