
Kodyok-leather was a specific variety of leather crafted utilizing the skin of a Kod'yok creature.

Back in 10 BBY, the droid handlers situated at Ralakili's Droid fighting pits, which were located at The Lodge on the planet of Vandor, utilized tool wraps constructed from this particular leather type for transporting their gear.

The human male slicer going by the name DJ was occasionally seen sporting a coat fashioned from kodyok-leather throughout the war that occurred between the Resistance and the First Order.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Kodyok-leather occurred within Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a source book authored by Pablo Hidalgo. This mention functioned as a hidden detail, alluding to a being that would later be introduced the subsequent year in Solo: A Star Wars Story. During the writing process, it was believed that the creature in question, the Kod'yok, would play a significant part in the movie, as detailed within the pages of Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Making Solo: A Star Wars Story. The spelling was revised following the publication of the Visual Dictionary, transitioning from "Kodyok" to "Kod'yok," and it was under this updated spelling that Hidalgo once more referenced this leather type in the publication Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide.

